Our Vision
To implement impenetrable security in our Internet of Things network To give control of data back to its rightful owner To provide unparalleled stability and speed for data transfer To promote the development of artificial intelligence through user data
Our Vision
To implement impenetrable security in our Internet of Things network
To give control of data back to its rightful owner
To provide unparalleled stability and speed for data transfer
To promote the development of artificial intelligence through user data
IoT Chain

IoT Chain (ITC) is developed as a lite operating system using the blockchain concept and implementing VRF+BFT, DAG and SPV technology, allowing data to be layered and stored in a decentralized manner and providing protection with the combined strength of the millions of IoT nodes within the network.

The technology will result in an economy of sharing for Internet of Things (IoT) devices in a decentralized and energy efficient environment while producing a wealth of valuable user data which can be used as fuel for the development of AI with users rewarded for providing this fuel.

Under this network, the interconnection of IoT devices of a home, a business or even a city can truly flourish without worry of transfer congestion, malicious attacks or losing privacy.

The implementation and monetization of ITC is not just a concept but has very real applications in the near future.


Read our white paper here

itc white paper

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itc white paper

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IoT Chain for Vehicles

New chapter for Automotive Industry

Automotive interaction

Vehicle tracking

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Vaccine Tracing Solution

Security, and efficiency

IoT Integrations

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Privacy Solution

Returning what's yours back to you

Splitting user and personal data

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Business Solution

Monetizing valuable user data

Selling user data without

breaching privacy

Rewarding users for generating user data

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IoT Chain for Vehicles

Data sovereignty is not clear and resources are wasted.
Transportation resources are not used effectively.
ITC Shared ledgers prevent data hacking, adds another layer of protection.
Through the ITC network, autonomous vehicles transfer the road of rights that improve the traffic efficiency.
ITC building a market for data exchange and empower smart transportation.

Vaccine Tracing Solution

Vaccine manufacturer released faulty vaccines.
Reducing Waste and Fraud.
IoT Chain Ensure that data related to public health is kept safe and transparent.
ITC Improves transparency along every step of the vaccine supply chain including getting vaccines from manufacturers, storage facilities, cold chain distribution, hospitals, and even usage.
ITC technology records the data during the vaccine production process and then store that data on IoT Chain.

Privacy Solution

Personal data are stored and owned by corporation out of the individual's control.
ITC technology allows the splitting of user and personal data, allowing for corporations to retain user data and individuals to retain their personal data.

Business Solution

Corporations are unable to sell some of their user data due to attached personal data.
By splitting personal data from user data,user data can now be sold sold by corporations to interested parties.
Only corporations are being rewarded for the user data generated by individuals.
Through the use of IoT devices in the ITC network, individuals are able to benefit from providing their user data to corporations.
core TEAM
Xie Zhuopeng
Xie Zhuopeng has been engaged in the field of smart devices for over four years, having designed many smart device architectures for companies both domestically and abroad during this time. His profound study of blockchain over the last three years has led to the perfect union of smart devices and blockchain through the co-founding IoT Chain.
Lyu Xinhao
A blockchain expert and evangelist, Lyu Xinhao has been heavily involved in the field since 2013, translating the first blockchain book “Mastering Bitcoin” into Chinese. He was also responsible for establishing the blockchain team at Xiaomi, a multibillion dollar corporation, to solve problems associated with isolated data islands in digital marketing. Lyu's passion and desire to promote real world application of blockchain technology is the driving factor behind IoT Chain.
Ding Ying
Having over 12 years of experience in developing firmware for chips, Ding Ying's deep understanding of such technology is integral to the development of IoT Chain. Ding's expertise also extends to digital imaging, 3D model retrieval, audio and video compression algorithm and development of financial software for bank cards.
Zhao Tan
In addition to obtaining a MBA from MIT Sloan School of Management, Zhao Tan is also a recognized CPA in China,Singapore and FCCA in the UK. Zhao also worked as the APAC treasurer in a large multinational company being responsible for FX hedging, banking infrastructure upkeep, rollout of supply chain finance, risk management amongst many other duties. He was further elected into JP Morgan's APAC Client Advisory Council in 2017.
Advisory TEAM
Liang Ran
As an expert in blockchain technology, Liang focuses his studies on the issues relating to the transaction of assets. He co-edited the China Blockchain Technology and Application Development white paper issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology as well as ChinaLedger's white paper. He is also the co-founder of RippleFox exchange, China's biggest Ripple and Stellar gateway.
Ma Zhiwei
Vice President of Opple Lighting, a company which became the world's largest lighting company after going public. Ma Zhiwei's business expertise and knowledge in lighting greatly assist the team at IoT Chain.
Ji Xinhua
Awarded first prize of Shanghai Science and Technology Advancement and being a Master graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University, Ji Xinhua contributed to establishing standards for Unionpay's credit card chip encryption. IoT Chain strongly values Ji's strong experience in encryption.
Guo Yuhang
Founder of DianRong and STARWIN Capital, Guo Yuhang is a focused investor in fintech. In addition to his extensive knowledge in fintech, Guo has solid connection with the biggest lending platform, Lending Club. Guo's support of the IoT Chain project shows his confidence in its potential.
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